So I have this idea for a SF thats been rattling around upstairs for a while. I have a couple cool characters I really love. It has a setting I enjoy, but the plot didnt really spend enough time there. I had a damn good opening. I knew where I wanted the story to go.
And thats about it.
The entire book from about 2 pages after the great opening to the second from last page was missing. Hence, I didnt really have a story, but just the faintest glimmerings of an idea of a story. I did some world building. Ive thought about who I wanted the characters to be. Ive thought about what I wanted the story to be. But story? Nope. What I had would fit on the wrapper of a Double Bubble.
I drove to Cleveland for work a couple months ago, and made a bunch of voice memos on the drive. Plot stuff. I thought I had it. I came home and tried to write it and -- nothing. The plot I had sucked. I supposed someone could turn it into a story, but not me. It was too boring to me, and not really the story I wanted to tell. It turned my character for a badass x-junkie drifter (kind of) into something of a professional soldier or mercenary. Sure, there is a story, just not my story.
So off to the back burner again.
Over the last few days, I have been deathly sick (aka the man cold). Spent several sleepless nights just thinking. Still nothing. Cold started to break, and I slept like a rock for 10 hours Saturday night. Last night, Sunday, I... well, I kind of wrote the whole novel. I remember thinking at 330am that I finally had it, and just needed to write it down. It wasnt exactly a dream, because I was mostly awake. My brain just didnt want to go to sleep and found something else to occupy it. Of course, I was also stuffed up and suffering from dry mouth because of it, so getting comfortable was impossible. Anyways, whatever the reason, I think I finally have it.
Ill spend some time to do outlining, and then Ill probably spend some time thinking about it, making sure it all works. Making sure its actually something I want to write, because that's very important.
But who knows -- maybe Im actually start writing something with some kind of regularity again. Or not. Who know.