Saturday, February 14, 2015

Goofballs: Josie and her temper

Josie has been going going through something the last few weeks. Maybe teething, maybe sick, or maybe just a phase. Regardless of cause, the effect is she doesn't want to go to bed like she did. When we put her down, for naps especially, she pops back up on her feet and SCREAMS for an hour before eventually giving up and going to sleep. The same new "habit" has resulted in some rough nights for mom and dad.

We have seen her temper before. She throws toys that frustrate her. If her brother takes the teasing too far, she knocks him on his ass and doesn't hesitate to jump on him and pound away. Taking things from her she shouldn't have (like her favorite toy, a scewdriver) results in tantrums the likes of which we had only before witnessed on TV.

When she naps, Jo wears a sleep sack -- like the one here on the right. Basically part bag, part blanket, with a zipper that keeps her from tossing it off in the night and getting cold.

The other day, Nicole put her down for a nap. Jo cried for about an hour, as she does now. But understand; when I say "cry" I mean "screamed and shrieked as if murder was being committed". Eventually, to our relief, the raging stopped, and little Josie went to sleep.

An hour an a half later, she woke up. I went upstairs, opened her door and -with my mouth hanging open in shock - muttered "oh my god." I immediately called Nicole, telling her she had to see it too (I should have taken a picture, alas).

Her sleep sack, designed to be escape proof for little ones, hung from her in tatters; she hadn't unzipped it, she had ripped the zipper open. Her hair disheveled, looking as if she had spent her time upstairs yanking on her locks in fury. The few stuffed animals we had left in her crib were on the floor by the door, on the other side of the room. Except for one. One toy was torn open, its stuffing everywhere; in the crib, on the floor and sticking to Josie's unkempt hair. In her rage that we would dare try and get her to sleep, she had destroyed everything she could reach in a tantrum the likes of which I have not seen since the last time Nicole convinced me to play Monopoly with her.

Josie was eighteen months old yesterday. I.. am unprepared for what the future will bring.

Goofballs: Diary of my little brats

My blog has been a bit stagnant. for a while. I keep trying to fix it, and I keep failing. I just don't have a purpose for it. Well, inspiration hit the other day at work.

A friend of mine mentioned her kids, now teenagers, love reading the diary she kept of them when they were children, and that I should do the same. Well, what a great idea!

So this will now be a place where I can share the funniest and or strangest of stories about my two little goof balls. Hopefully one day they will enjoy reading the tales; in the meantime, hopefully you will!