Well, I guess the countdown to second trimester has begun. Two more weeks, and we get to finally have our first ultrasound, and we get to see the first images of the little squirt that's making mommy's (and daddy's!) life so hard these days. Two weeks, and we can tell our friends, co-workers and family that we haven't already told out of impatience. Two weeks until we enter the "good" trimester, and my wife will feel a little better (Hopefully!). I gotta say, I'm getting pretty excited.
Nicole is doing well today; I talked to her at work, and thought she sounded better. I came home to a wondrous sight; she was smiling! Her words; "[She] feels better than [she] has in a month and a half". The infection is gone, though she's still mighty sleepy. She came down with some pretty bad heartburn (GERN to be more specific)last week that has her mostly miserable; but last night the medicine did the trick, and she had a great sleep. Today, it was like my wife had come home, and boy did I miss her!
She actually admitted talking to the little parasite, using a girl's name we are not actually gonna use (first, it's clearly not a girl, and second, I am not naming my child after alcohol). Call me a sap, but I found myself grinning when she said it; I think that was the first time she talked about him like a person, and a person she was excited to see. Did I mention I'm excited??
So here we go with another weekend. And here's hoping the medicine continues to do its trick, and my wife sticks around a while for a visit.